Monday, 11 December 2017

WikiLeaks and Whistleblowers

        The whistleblowers article I picked is one on (business insider) about how three people go on trial in Luxembourg on Tuesday over the LuxLeaks scandal that exposed the country's huge tax breaks for major international companies. the scandal was exposing deals that saved firms like Apple, IKEA and Pepsi billions of dollars in taxes while European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was Luxembourg's prime minister.

       I think they did right by exposing this news because we as people have rights to know what the government is doing they shouldn't be hiding stuff from the public. I think its good that they came up with the LuxLeaks scandal that exposed the countrys huge tax breaks for major international companies because most the time they talk about stuff that it is good for us to know about. 

      I think that what this people are doing is great because they help expose stuff that we should know and what they are trying to hid.

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